Connecting With Your Audience In A Virtual World

By Patricia Cameron, ABC
Founding Partner, Great Minds Communication

With Covid-19 derailing many events and face-to-face meetings, virtual meetings are likely here to stay. Tools like Zoom, Skype, FaceTime or other video apps are being used more and more to fill the gap. 

When preparing for a business presentation, there are many tried and true techniques effective business leaders use to engage their audiences and get their messages across. Plus, audiences want to walk away with useful, interesting information as well.

So how do you ensure you connect with your audience on your next virtual presentation? Try these techniques. Although most apply to all formats, they are especially useful for virtual meetings held from the comfort of your own home. 

1. Prepare properly. Just because you’re in a more relaxed environment, don’t relax on your preparation. Take time to properly research. Anticipate questions and prepare for them. Prepare notes but put them to the side of your camera so you’re maintaining eye contact with your audience. 

2. Maintain eye contact. In this case, with the webcam. This is the best way to appear to look people in the eye.

3. Practice out loud. Being successful is about connecting with and sharing with your audience. It’s not about being perfect, but about communicating your conviction and passion for the topic. 

4. Choose a quiet location. There are many potential interruptions when presenting from home. Children or pets making noises in the background. Unexpected sounds like appliances that hum. Test both video and audio quality before presenting.

5. Eliminate distractions. Tidy up the clutter in the background, making sure it doesn’t have anything you would not want the viewer to see. Also, avoid wearing colors that could get lost in the background. 

6. Make sure you are properly lit. Face directly toward a window if there is one in the room, making sure there are no shadows on your face. You can also use a key light directly in front of you so that your face is well lit. 

7. Project yourself. An erect posture helps you project better in any presentation. Also, maintain a steady position in front of the camera. 

8. Elevate the camera. Raise your laptop or another device so that the camera is level with your face.

Remember, you are communicating from the moment you’re on camera. It’s worth the effort to look and sound your best. 
The Great Minds team is here to help you make the best impression possible. Learn more about us at

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    Contact Information

    Patricia Cameron, ABC

    Johnna Van

    Renee Arrington